فلیش میں سونامی مینو بنانا
// Copy the below ActionScript & Paste it in the first frame of your movie
menutriggerdist = 150;
// This is the distance under which the movie clips will start to change scale and move.
menumaxscale = 300;
// This is the maximum scale for each clip.
menumultiplier = 1.5;
// This is an arbitrary variable that affects the scaling rate.
// Copy the above ActionScript & Paste it in the first frame of your movie
menutriggerdist = 150;
// This is the distance under which the movie clips will start to change scale and move.
menumaxscale = 300;
// This is the maximum scale for each clip.
menumultiplier = 1.5;
// This is an arbitrary variable that affects the scaling rate.
// Copy the above ActionScript & Paste it in the first frame of your movie
on (press) {
// here starts normal movie clip event handlers
on (rollOver) {
this._alpha = 100;
on (rollOut) {
this._alpha = 25;
// here ends the normal movie clip event handlers
//sets event to mousemove or you'll get strange wobbling of your movie clips.
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
//calculates distance from mouse to movie clip
dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(_xmouse), 2)+Math.pow(Math.abs(_ymouse), 2));
// if within a certain distance, triggerdistance, then start changing the clips scale
if (dist<=_root.menutriggerdist) {
currscale = (1-(dist/(_root.menumultiplier*_root.menutriggerdist)))*(_r oot.menumaxscale-100);
this._xscale = currscale;
this._yscale = currscale;
// if outside of triggerdistance, then make the scale equal to 100
} else {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
// Copy the above ActionScript & Paste it on any movie clips